Why swimming is the best workout

30 Mar Why swimming is the best workout


  1. Water is calming

Water has long been a symbol of renewal and clarity — and there’s research to back this up. Studies suggest being around the element has a powerful effect on the brain.

Spending time near water can be similar to meditation, in that it gives the brain a break from the constant overstimulation people often experience in modern life. The best part? You can reap these cognitive benefits by going for a swim and getting some exercise in the process.

  1. Swimming is low impact

Unlike jogging or plyometric training, swimming is a way to fit cardio into your workout routine without putting stress on your bones, joints and muscles. This is a plus for swimmers of all ages and body types, but it’s particularly beneficial for seniors and people with arthritis. It’s one of the best ways to stay active while taking care of all parts of your body.

In addition, it forces your body to learn a new breathing pattern—being facedown in water will do that pretty quickly. “By expanding the depth and volume of each breath, you’re forcing the lungs and heart to process oxygen more efficiently,” says Walton. Your heart muscle will literally grow stronger.

  1. Swimming builds strength and cardio abilities simultaneously

Though it’s a low-impact workout, swimming produces high-power results. It is typically considered an aerobic exercise, but exercising in water also provides moderate resistance. This can in turn build strength, Women’s Health reported.

Building and maintaining muscle, especially as you grow older, is essential for a healthy body and a long life. Resistance training also improves balance, sleep and bone health. Talk about a total-body workout.

  1. Fearlessness

Swimming is a pretty great confidence booster, too. Learning or honing a new skill, overcoming the nerves associated with the potential risks, and finding the zone in which you’re totally one with the water is extremely empowering. Setting the goal to swim 25 yards or more can be a life-changing experience.

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