Here at Wellington, we believe a balanced life begins with a healthy body.
Biometric evaluations are the first step in setting up an integrated wellness program and they provide an overview of the health condition of each employee. We talk about a series of non-invasive, but extremely efficient tests in determining the starting point towards a balanced lifestyle. Depending on the results, we come up with a physical wellness program that brings real changes in the employees’ attitude on their own body.
We prove that a right nutrient intake is possible with no efforts, when you have all the information available. The Wellington activities dedicated to nutrition explain what and especially why our body needs; they provide tips on improving the daily diet and practical healthy cooking demos accessible to even the busiest employee.
In addition, we involve the employees in physical activities right at the office, since exercise creates a general state of wellbeing (it releases stress, relaxes tensed muscles, helps the heart and the circulatory system, prevents occupational diseases).