
The relationships with those around us significantly influence our state of mind, our emotional and mental balance. A healthy interaction, free of stress and pressures, both at home, with our family, and at the office, with our managers and coworkers, is the key to a happy life. It is also the base for the social wellness concept.

The capability to achieve individual relationships with those around us, the communication skills, self-esteem and creating a support system consisting of family and friends, all this contributes to a balanced life.

Are/Do your company employees:

  • Make time for family and friends?
  • Find pleasure in spending their time with those around them?
  • Feel they make their voice heard?
  • Happy with the relationships they tie?
  • Manage conflicts well and perceive them as a development opportunity?

If you answered “No” to at least one of these questions, then you may be looking for ways to improve these aspects. The social wellness programs provide solutions for conflict avoidance and communication skills improvement.

The Wellington programs are based on 7 pillars


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